AsyncHTTPClient :
AsyncHTTPClient 继承 Configurable ,从__new__重看出是单例模式. 根据 Configurable 的__new__和 AsyncHTTPClient 的 configurable_base 和 configurable_default 得知,实例化后一定是 SimpleAsyncHTTPClient 的实例
def fetch(self, request, callback=None, raise_error=True, **kwargs): if self._closed: raise RuntimeError("fetch() called on closed AsyncHTTPClient") if not isinstance(request, HTTPRequest): request = HTTPRequest(url=request, **kwargs) # We may modify this (to add Host, Accept-Encoding, etc), # so make sure we don't modify the caller's object. This is also # where normal dicts get converted to HTTPHeaders objects. request.headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders(request.headers) request = _RequestProxy(request, self.defaults) future = TracebackFuture() if callback is not None: callback = stack_context.wrap(callback) def handle_future(future): exc = future.exception() if isinstance(exc, HTTPError) and exc.response is not None: response = exc.response elif exc is not None: response = HTTPResponse( request, 599, error=exc, request_time=time.time() - request.start_time) else: response = future.result() self.io_loop.add_callback(callback, response) future.add_done_callback(handle_future) ##fetch_impl带上handle_response,重点 def handle_response(response): if raise_error and response.error: future.set_exception(response.error) else: future.set_result(response) self.fetch_impl(request, handle_response) return future
fetch 中调用 fetch_impl,fetch_impl 中其中一个参数是 callback ,而代码中的 callback 包含了 future 的 set_result ,所以,当 callback 被调用时,外部的 yield 操作将被激活,程序会在 ioloop 中调用此 callback ,然后回到原函数的 yield 处,并且原函数返回此次 qeust 的 future 对象,以便在函数外部增加别的 callback
def _connection_class(self): return _HTTPConnectiondef _handle_request(self, request, release_callback, final_callback): self._connection_class()( self.io_loop, self, request, release_callback, final_callback, self.max_buffer_size, self.tcp_client, self.max_header_size, self.max_body_size)
在 return 之前,继续查看 fetch_impl 内部是如何处理,根据推测,他一定是将继续处理网络请求,肯定会将网络请求交由 ioloop 的 epoll 部分处理,设定好处理的 hanlder 再返回 future.set_result ,接下来继续分析 fetch_impl 内部是如果设置网络请求的. fetch_impl 的实现代码中查看,实例化中创建了 tcpclient 对象,这个肯定是关键根据之前的分析 SimpleAsyncHTTPClient 是单例模式,那他怎么处理各种 http 请求呢?查看代码得知,他将请求的 request 和 callback 存储在 self.queue 中,每次 fetch_impl 的时候,一个个 pop 出来处理就好了,这样就能处理n个请求了一步步跟踪到 _handle_request ,发现最后到了 _HTTPConnection 的实例化中了.实例化的参数有之前那个包含 future 的 callback .这样就可以保证 yield 操作可以回到原处了.好了,继续走
class _HTTPConnection(httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate): _SUPPORTED_METHODS = set(["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"]) def __init__(self, io_loop, client, request, release_callback, final_callback, max_buffer_size, tcp_client, max_header_size, max_body_size): self.start_time = io_loop.time() self.io_loop = io_loop self.client = client self.request = request self.release_callback = release_callback self.final_callback = final_callback self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size self.tcp_client = tcp_client self.max_header_size = max_header_size self.max_body_size = max_body_size self.code = None self.headers = None self.chunks = [] self._decompressor = None # Timeout handle returned by IOLoop.add_timeout self._timeout = None self._sockaddr = None with stack_context.ExceptionStackContext(self._handle_exception): self.parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(_unicode(self.request.url)) if self.parsed.scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise ValueError("Unsupported url scheme: %s" % self.request.url) # urlsplit results have hostname and port results, but they # didn't support ipv6 literals until python 2.7. netloc = self.parsed.netloc if "@" in netloc: userpass, _, netloc = netloc.rpartition("@") host, port = httputil.split_host_and_port(netloc) if port is None: port = 443 if self.parsed.scheme == "https" else 80 if re.match(r'^\[.*\]$', host): # raw ipv6 addresses in urls are enclosed in brackets host = host[1:-1] self.parsed_hostname = host # save final host for _on_connect if request.allow_ipv6 is False: af = socket.AF_INET else: af = socket.AF_UNSPEC ssl_options = self._get_ssl_options(self.parsed.scheme) timeout = min(self.request.connect_timeout, self.request.request_timeout) if timeout: self._timeout = self.io_loop.add_timeout( self.start_time + timeout, stack_context.wrap(self._on_timeout)) self.tcp_client.connect(host, port, af=af, ssl_options=ssl_options, max_buffer_size=self.max_buffer_size, callback=self._on_connect)
_HTTPConnection 的实例化中有一堆成员变量,有点晕,先不管这么多,关注我们的 callback ,和 tcpclient .一行行往下看,是 host 和 port 的初始化操作 ,http 和 https 是不一样的嘛,当然得处理一下,终于到了最后,是 tcpclient.connect ,从 connect 的参数中看到 callback=self._on_connect ,应该是个重要的方法,出去那些字符串处理,发现 self.connection.write_headers(start_line , self.request.headers ) ,这应该是发送 http 头的操作吧,是网络请求,所以这是处理 connect 这个 url 后,发送 http 头的操作.还是回头看看是如何 connect 的吧,因为这是异步的关键,搞懂了这个,那剩下来的也是同出一则
转到 tcpclient 的代码去看他的实例化和 connect 操作,看来剩下的路还很长呢 TCPClient 实例化的代码很短,有个 resolver 对象,先不管
@gen.coroutine def connect(self, host, port, af=socket.AF_UNSPEC, ssl_options=None, max_buffer_size=None): """Connect to the given host and port. Asynchronously returns an `.IOStream` (or `.SSLIOStream` if ``ssl_options`` is not None). """ addrinfo = yield self.resolver.resolve(host, port, af) connector = _Connector( addrinfo, self.io_loop, functools.partial(self._create_stream, max_buffer_size)) af, addr, stream = yield connector.start() # TODO: For better performance we could cache the (af, addr) # information here and re-use it on subsequent connections to # the same host. (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6555#section-4.2) if ssl_options is not None: stream = yield stream.start_tls(False, ssl_options=ssl_options, server_hostname=host) raise gen.Return(stream)
去到 connect 方法里,发现 coroutine 装饰器,并且调用时设置了 callback=self._on_connect ,所以当这个 coroutine 的 future 被解决时,会调用 self._on_connect ,你也可以看到 _on_connect 的参数是 stream ,就是 gen.Return(stream )传过去的. 因为 gen.coroutine 实现时的代码中, send 了 value 后,代码继续走,走到 gen.Return (其实这是个 exception ,就会走到 gen.coroutine 里的 set_result 了.)第一个 yield 右边是 self.resolver.resolve ,左边是 addrinfo ,是地址信息,这个异步操作处理的便是解析 url 的地址信息.此处 tornado 默认使用了阻塞的实现,暂时先不看,以后在新的篇幅补充,主要内容是 run_on_executor 装饰器的内容,此处其实是同步返回的,因为默认用的是 BlockingResolver 的代码,直接看下一个 yield
def __init__(self, addrinfo, io_loop, connect): self.io_loop = io_loop self.connect = connect self.future = Future() self.timeout = None self.last_error = None self.remaining = len(addrinfo) self.primary_addrs, self.secondary_addrs = self.split(addrinfo)
_Connector 实例化,参数有一个 callback ,是本类的 _create_stream ,并把 self.connect 设置成传过来的 callback 所以 self.connect 就是 TCPClient._create_stream 了,成员变量有个 future 实例,我们需要全程高度关注 future 和 callback .实例化后调用了 start 方法 ,start 内部,调用 try_connect,set_timout ,根据函数名得知,是 connect 操作和设置超时的操作.最后返回实例化时创建的 future .
def start(self, timeout=_INITIAL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT): self.try_connect(iter(self.primary_addrs)) self.set_timout(timeout) return self.future def try_connect(self, addrs): try: af, addr = next(addrs) except StopIteration: # We've reached the end of our queue, but the other queue # might still be working. Send a final error on the future # only when both queues are finished. if self.remaining == 0 and not self.future.done(): self.future.set_exception(self.last_error or IOError("connection failed")) return future = self.connect(af, addr) future.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self.on_connect_done, addrs, af, addr))
future = self.connect(af , addr ),执行了 TCPClient._create_stream 方法,返回 future ,并且设置 future 的 callback=on_connect_done
def _create_stream(self, max_buffer_size, af, addr): # Always connect in plaintext; we'll convert to ssl if necessary # after one connection has completed. stream = IOStream(socket.socket(af), io_loop=self.io_loop, max_buffer_size=max_buffer_size) return stream.connect(addr)
实例化 IOStream ,执行并返回 stream.connect,stream.connect 返回的 future 便是 try_connect 中的 future ,所以,进去看看 stream.connect 内部是怎么”解决”这个 future 的.
def connect(self, address, callback=None, server_hostname=None): self._connecting = True if callback is not None: self._connect_callback = stack_context.wrap(callback) future = None else: future = self._connect_future = TracebackFuture() try: self.socket.connect(address) except socket.error as e: if (errno_from_exception(e) not in _ERRNO_INPROGRESS and errno_from_exception(e) not in _ERRNO_WOULDBLOCK): if future is None: gen_log.warning("Connect error on fd %s: %s", self.socket.fileno(), e) self.close(exc_info=True) return future self._add_io_state(self.io_loop.WRITE) return future
self._connecting = True 设置此实例正在连接中,连接完毕设置成 false 如果没有 callback 传入,生成 future 对象, 刚才返回的 future 记录在这个实例的成员变量 self._connect_future 中.然后执行 socket 的 connect 操作,因为 socket 设置成非阻塞,所以此处会立即返回,不会阻塞,当连接成功时,缓冲区可写,失败时缓冲区可读可写.这是基础知识,详情百度.然后调用 self._add_io_state ,返回 future
def _add_io_state(self, state): if self.closed(): # connection has been closed, so there can be no future events return if self._state is None: self._state = ioloop.IOLoop.ERROR | state with stack_context.NullContext(): self.io_loop.add_handler( self.fileno(), self._handle_events, self._state) elif not self._state & state: self._state = self._state | state self.io_loop.update_handler(self.fileno(), self._state)
终于到了这一步,要用 epoll 了!!!根据实例化的代码得知 self._state=None ,会走 self.io_loop.add_handler 这步,根据我之前发的[文章][2],会将当前的 fd ,当前实例的 _handle_events ,和写,错误操作注册到 epoll 中接着!!!!!终于走完了这个 yield 的流程了!!!!!!
请一定弄清 future 是怎么传递的,每个 future 管理的 callback 是什么操作. _HTTPConnection 中 tcpclient.connect 一个 future ,callback=self._on_connect . 他将在 raise gen.Return(stream )时被添加到 ioloop 执行. tcpclient.connect 内部的 connector.start 一个 future , callback 是 on_connect_done ,他将在 poll 检测到 write 事件时,被添加到 ioloop 执行
def start(self): if self._running: raise RuntimeError("IOLoop is already running") self._setup_logging() if self._stopped: self._stopped = False return old_current = getattr(IOLoop._current, "instance", None) IOLoop._current.instance = self self._thread_ident = thread.get_ident() self._running = True old_wakeup_fd = None if hasattr(signal, 'set_wakeup_fd') and os.name == 'posix': try: old_wakeup_fd = signal.set_wakeup_fd(self._waker.write_fileno()) if old_wakeup_fd != -1: signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd) old_wakeup_fd = None except ValueError: old_wakeup_fd = None try: while True: with self._callback_lock: callbacks = self._callbacks self._callbacks = [] due_timeouts = [] if self._timeouts: now = self.time() while self._timeouts: if self._timeouts[0].callback is None: heapq.heappop(self._timeouts) self._cancellations -= 1 elif self._timeouts[0].deadline <= now: due_timeouts.append(heapq.heappop(self._timeouts)) else: break if (self._cancellations > 512 and self._cancellations > (len(self._timeouts) >> 1)): self._cancellations = 0 self._timeouts = [x for x in self._timeouts if x.callback is not None] heapq.heapify(self._timeouts) for callback in callbacks: self._run_callback(callback) for timeout in due_timeouts: if timeout.callback is not None: self._run_callback(timeout.callback) callbacks = callback = due_timeouts = timeout = None if self._callbacks: poll_timeout = 0.0 elif self._timeouts: poll_timeout = self._timeouts[0].deadline - self.time() poll_timeout = max(0, min(poll_timeout, _POLL_TIMEOUT)) else: poll_timeout = _POLL_TIMEOUT if not self._running: break if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0) try: event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout) except Exception as e: if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, self._blocking_signal_threshold, 0) self._events.update(event_pairs) while self._events: fd, events = self._events.popitem() try: fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd] handler_func(fd_obj, events) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EPIPE: # Happens when the client closes the connection pass else: self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd)) except Exception: self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd)) fd_obj = handler_func = None finally: # reset the stopped flag so another start/stop pair can be issued self._stopped = False if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0) IOLoop._current.instance = old_current if old_wakeup_fd is not None: signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd)
接下来 tornado 终于也回到了 ioloop 代码中了(泪奔)!!当连接成功时,该 fd 的缓冲区可写, epoll 收到 fd 的 write 操作通知~进入到了 epoll 的 loop 中处理.然后!回到刚才注册的 _handle_events 了!注意这个 _handle_events 是 IOStream 的实例里的 _handle_events ,他有刚才我们处理的所有信息哦~接下来看 _handle_events 的代码,看他如果解决掉 future
def _handle_events(self, fd, events): if self.closed(): gen_log.warning("Got events for closed stream %s", fd) return try: if self._connecting: # Most IOLoops will report a write failed connect # with the WRITE event, but SelectIOLoop reports a # READ as well so we must check for connecting before # either. self._handle_connect() if self.closed(): return if events & self.io_loop.READ: self._handle_read() if self.closed(): return if events & self.io_loop.WRITE: self._handle_write() if self.closed(): return if events & self.io_loop.ERROR: self.error = self.get_fd_error() # We may have queued up a user callback in _handle_read or # _handle_write, so don't close the IOStream until those # callbacks have had a chance to run. self.io_loop.add_callback(self.close) return state = self.io_loop.ERROR if self.reading(): state |= self.io_loop.READ if self.writing(): state |= self.io_loop.WRITE if state == self.io_loop.ERROR and self._read_buffer_size == 0: # If the connection is idle, listen for reads too so # we can tell if the connection is closed. If there is # data in the read buffer we won't run the close callback # yet anyway, so we don't need to listen in this case. state |= self.io_loop.READ if state != self._state: assert self._state is not None, \ "shouldn't happen: _handle_events without self._state" self._state = state self.io_loop.update_handler(self.fileno(), self._state) except UnsatisfiableReadError as e: gen_log.info("Unsatisfiable read, closing connection: %s" % e) self.close(exc_info=True) except Exception: gen_log.error("Uncaught exception, closing connection.", exc_info=True) self.close(exc_info=True) raise def _handle_connect(self): err = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR) if err != 0: self.error = socket.error(err, os.strerror(err)) # IOLoop implementations may vary: some of them return # an error state before the socket becomes writable, so # in that case a connection failure would be handled by the # error path in _handle_events instead of here. if self._connect_future is None: gen_log.warning("Connect error on fd %s: %s", self.socket.fileno(), errno.errorcode[err]) self.close() return if self._connect_callback is not None: callback = self._connect_callback self._connect_callback = None self._run_callback(callback) if self._connect_future is not None: future = self._connect_future self._connect_future = None future.set_result(self) self._connecting = False
判断是否在连接中,当然是了,刚才我也强调过了,然后进入 _handle_connect,_handle_connect 先判断 connect 有没成功,成功了就是设置 _connect_future 的 result,set_result(self ),把 self(iostream )设置进去了! 然后 _connect_future 的 callbacks 会在下一次循环被 ioloop 消化掉!!一步步返回看,这个 future 正是我们之前的那个 yiled 操作的右边的返回的 future ,所以刚才 _Connector.try_connect 设置的 callback ,on_connect_done 会在 ioloop 的 callback 里执行. 根据上一篇[文章][3]讲的 coroutine 的源码得知,此 future 里还有 Runner.run 的 callback 哦~所以 ,run 里 send 了 vaule 到 gen . 终于终于!!程序回到了刚才的 yield 处了!!!!!tornado正是如此实现异步io的感觉一直讲完整个操作不太现实,剩下的大家还是自己跟踪吧,道理跟这个流程类似. yield 操作右边,一定是返回一个 future (旧版本貌似是 YieldPoint ,因为没看过旧版,所以不太清楚) ,然后在返回 future 之前,设置好 fd 的 handler ,和其他的解析工作,然后等待 epoll 检测到关心的 io event ,在 io 的 handler 里把 future 解决,从而回到 yield 处~ 核心就是 ioloop 三部分 ,future,gen.coroutine . 相互配合完成异步操作. 跟踪几遍消化一下,就可以写 tornado 的扩展了. 祝大家武运亨通